About Mauritania
Official Name: Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Independence date: November 28, 1960
Biography of the new President:
-Name : Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
Presisent of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Head of State (elected on July 18, 2009)
Geographical position: Mauritania is situated between the 15º and the 17º longitude West and the 15º and the 28º latitude North. It is limited in the North by Western Sahara, in East and South-East by Mali, in South by Senegal and in West by the Atlantic Ocean.
Time difference: GMT
Land: 1,030,700 sq km
Climate: Mauritania has a dry and hot climate in its septentrional part where the annual rain fall average is 63mm, and a hot and humid climate of Soudano-Sahelien type in its meridional part where the annual average of rain fall may attend 500 to 650 mm.
Population: about 3,000,000 habitants.
Demographic density: 2.9/sq km
Demographic annual growth rate: 2.4 %
Life expectancy: 56 years
Religion: Islam
Political regime: Mauritania benefits a semi-presidential democratic regime in favor of the adoption of a pluralist constitution of liberal inspiration.
Political capital: Nouakchott with about 800,000 habitants
Other big cities: Nouadhibou, Kiffa, Atar
Official Language: Arabic
Other National Languages: Poulaar, Soninke,Wolof
The most used foreign language: French
National currency: Ouguiya ( UM )
- one Yen ( ¥ ) = 2.2 UM
- one Euro ( € ) = 343,77 UM
- one Dollar ( $ ) = 265 UM
How to go to Mauritania from Japan:
- Through Paris by Air France
- Through Dubai-Casa Blanca by Emirates Airlines
National anthem: click here